
The Australian Osteopathic Accreditation Council is the independent organisation to assess and accredit osteopathic education programs leading to eligibility for registration as an osteopath in Australia. AOAC also assesses the suitability of overseas qualified osteopaths to practice in Australia. Under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme, we are the appointed accrediting authority for osteopathy in Australia in accordance with the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 2009. AOAC helps protect the health and safety of the Australian community by establishing high-quality standards of osteopathy education and assessment.



AOAC’s Constitution is the framework for how we operate. It outlines our system of governance, the powers of our Board of Directors, and the rights and obligations of our members. Our Constitution is a public document. AOAC is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.

Board of Directors and Board Charter

AOAC’s governing body is our Board of Directors. The Board is established in accordance with and governed by the provisions of our constitution. The Board Charter defines the purpose, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors.


The AOAC Board comprises representatives from a wide range of stakeholders, enabling us to maximise robust expert and community input into our governance decisions. Directors are selected for their skills, knowledge and experience.


Click on the Board Governance Charter to read the entire document.


Our Board currently consists of the following Directors:

Professor Wendy Cross (Chairperson)
Mr Andrew Frost (Deputy Chairperson)
Associate Professor Patrick McLaughlin
Dr Danielle Baxter (Osteopath)
Ms Melanie Doyle-Hunt (Osteopath)
Professor Rhonda Wilson
Mr Steven Fullagar (Osteopath)
Dr Nikole Grbin (Osteopath)

Board Committees

As part of AOAC’s governance arrangements and accreditation responsibilities, the AOAC Board has established two committees. These help us fulfill our strategic goals and meet our legal obligations.

The Board appoints a Chair and establishes terms of reference for each committee. Each committee makes recommendations to the AOAC Board.

Finance, Audit and Risk (FAR) Committee

Mr. Andrew Frost  (Chairperson)

Ms. Melanie Doyle-Hunt

Dr. Nicole Grbin

Mr. Steven Fullagar

Terms of Reference

Professional Practice
Committee (PPC)

Dr. Danielle Baxter

Associate Professor Patrick McLaughlin

Ms. Lee Muddle

Professor Lainie Cameron

Dr. Brett Vaughan

Ms Glenys Wilkinson

Terms of Reference

Strategic Objectives

Click here to see the Board Operating Plan for 2024-2029

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