In accordance with the Migration Regulations 1994, AOAC is responsible for assessing the skills and qualifications for the occupation of Osteopath (ANZSCO code 252112) under the Department of Home Affairs General Skilled Migration (GSM) and Employer Sponsored Migration (ESM) programs. This is not an assessment for registration purposes. You will need to have a completed skills assessment before you can lodge your visa GSM or ESM application.
To proceed with a skills assessment you must answer YES to at least one of the following statements and submit Form 1A
1. You currently hold a current and full (unconditional) practicing certificate as an osteopath from the Osteopathy Board of Australia
2. You have completed a recognized, registrable, entry-level qualification in osteopathy at a university in Australia
If you answered NO to both of these questions you are required to complete an assessment for registration in Australia.
All documents submitted electronically must be certified scanned colour copies of the original document saved as PDF files.
A certified copy is a copy of an original document, that has on it an endorsement or certificate that it is a true copy of the original document. It does not certify that the original document is genuine, only that it is a true copy of the original document
The only people who can certify your documents are a:
- Legal Practitioner
- Justice of the Peace
- Peace Commissioner
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Commissioner of Declarations
- Notary Public Judge
- Magistrate
- person legally designated to sign documents from an embassy or consulate.
AOAC recommends you ask the person who certifies your application form to certify all other documents.
The person who certifies your documents has to:
- include this statement on every document: I certify that this is a true copy of the original document
- put their signature underneath the statement.
- state which profession they are a member of (they must be on AOAC?s list of accepted professionals)
- include the date, their contact address and their phone number.
- apply an official stamp or seal, if available.
- submitting incorrectly certified documents may delay your assessment.
The assessment for skilled migration can take up to 15 working days from the date AOAC receives your correctly completed application form and all the required documents exactly as stated in the form.
On completion of the assessment you will be advised if your skills are suitable or not suitable for migration purposes. This letter should be included with your application to the Department of Home Affairs and is the document you require as evidence of a Migration Skills Assessment.